Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Chester's Way by Keven Henkes

Chester's Way By Kevin Henkes
storyline online 
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Chester's Way
by Kevin Henkes
1. What do you see in the picture?
2. Who are the characters?
What do Chester and Wilson do together?
How is Lily different? Compare
How do Chester and Wilson feel about Lily?
3. What is the problem?
4. What is the solution?
What will happened Victor moves in?
What would you change about the story?
               Exercise in Pairs:
Name of Students                                      Same                                      Different
Favorite Ice cream flavor
Favorite Sport
Favorite Color
Favorite Holiday
Favorite Movie
Favorite Subject in School
Afterschool activity
Write 5 sentences about how you are similar or different.
ex. Timothy and Claire both love chocolate ice cream.
      Timothy likes to dance and so does Claire.
      Unlike Timothy, Claire hates to sing.
      Timothy is different than Claire because Timothy likes to read and Clair does not.
Abbreviated Text for Early Learning

Chester had his own way of doing things

He always cut his sandwhiches diagnolly

He always got out of bed on the same side

He never left the house without double knotting his shoes

He always had the same thing for breakfast toast and jam

And he always carried a miniature first aid kit in his back pocket just in case

"he had a mind of his own

Chesters best friend Wilson was exactly the same way.

B That’s why they were best friend

Chester did no play baseball unless Wilson did

Or ride his bike

If chester was hungry Wilson was too

Chester and Wilson Wilson and Chester that’s the way it was

They loved to go on picnics

Once when wilson accidently swallowed a watermelon seed and was scared that a watermelon would grow inside of him Chester swallowed one too!

"don’t  worry said chester, now if you grow a watermelon plan I will grow one too.

Chester and Wilson made their Christmas list together every year together becauset they always wanted the same thing anyways

Chester and Wilson shared the same umbrella

Same costum on purim

Spring shared the same water bottle

Fall raked leaves together

Summer reminded each other to wear sunscreen

Chelson and Wilson Wilson and chester that’s the way it was

THEN LILY moved in. she had her own way of doing things!

She wore bandaids all over her arms and legs.

She talked backwards to herself so no one would know what she was saying.

She never left her house without a disquise

And she always carried a water gun in her back pocket

"she has a mind of her own"

When she called the boys to see if they wanted to play they disquised their voices so that she wouldn’t know they were there.

When she was walking on one side of the street, chester and Wilson would walk on the other and hid.

"she is something else"

Chester and Wilson were riding on their bicycles when some bullies came to bother them. They did not know what to do?

Just than a cat jumped out of the bushes and frightened tht older boys away.

"are you who I think you are?"


Thank you said chester

Your welcome said lily

Gladyou had your squirt gun said chester

"I always do!"

After that chester and Wilson invited lily for lunch.

Do you have a strong man cup?

I do too!

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